National numbers
Registering a freephone or premium-rate number doesn’t automatically result into more callers. But what does? In a recent article, we already gave you tips to attract more callers. In this new article we will give you more tips and new suggestions.
Before we continue, let us have a look at the ‘rules’. First, ask yourself whether you meet these basic conditions:
You have a servicenumber that is easy to remember.
You have set up your call tariffs in such a way that they encourage callers to grab the phone. You can easily change the tariff on the number settings page in My CallFactory.
You are welcoming callers with a recorded message and a simple options menu. Outside opening hours or during busy periods, your Voice2mail offers callers the option to leave a message, which you or the appointed person in your organisation can easily listen to at any convenient moment. This can also be changed on the number settings page in My CallFactory.
You can use these settings completely to your own liking and all settings are easy to manage. That is why they are part of the basic conditions of a successful servicenumber. With the seven actions below you can achieve the maximum inbound call volume.
Nowadays, instead of using the paper telephone guide or the Yellow Pages, we use Google to find what we’re looking for. If someone is looking for your telephone number, then this number should be easy to find. We already stressed the importance of this in a previous article, but we like to repeat this tip. So:
Place your servicenumber clearly visible on the homepage and separate pages. A good place would be in the header, near your logo. Repeat the number, possibly accompanied by your address, in the footer of your website.
The contact page of your website also deserves a mention of your servicenumber. Search engines such as Google index this page, so it will attract a relatively large number of visitors. Do you have multiple phone numbers through which people can reach you, then explain to visitors which number serves which purpose.
If your company has a blog, then be sure to add your number on there as well. As high as possible in the side bar is a popular spot for bloggers to place their phone number.
Even the smallest of companies send up dozens or even hundreds of emails a day. And every email sent without your servicenumber is a missed opportunity. So be sure to use an email signature that includes your servicenumber. Your slogan or mission could further entice recipients to call you.
The fact that companies can profit enormously from social media is a given. Therefore, seize the opportunities that it offers you and add your servicenumber to your profiles on LinkedIn and Twitter. More ideas:
Place your servicenumber in the info box of your Facebook Company Page. Facebook has in recent years extended its strict rules regarding information in cover photos. A perfect opportunity to mention your servicenumber or name number there as well.
Place your company on the map in Foursquare. This enables customers with a smartphone to call you with just one click.
Of course you do not have to be active on every conceivable social media platform out there. Pick the one(s) that feel comfortable to you and your brand image, and where you'll find most of your (potential) callers.
In the ‘real world’ you also get plenty of opportunities to promote your servicenumber. It is easy to underestimate the effectiveness of telling someone: ‘Call us on our free phone number”.
Of course your servicenumber should also have a prominent spot near your logo on your business cards.
Update your printed communications with your servicenumber. In ads, brochures, and leaflets, but also on the cards you include with your promotional gifts.
Did you know that with Google Adwords you can add ‘call extensions’ to your ads? This means that visitors, consisting of current and potential customers, can call you straight from their computer or tablet with just one click. We’ve shown you how to do that in this article.
In order to receive more calls, it is important that your callers are happy with the service you provide. But how do you know if they are? By simply asking them and constantly fine-tuning your service!
This could mean you will have to experiment a bit, to find out what works, and what doesn’t.
Let your employees ask customers what they think about the new approach, or use our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Don’t be afraid to ask callers how long they had to wait, and what they think about the service provided.
Fill out the form below and your phone number will be available immediately.