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How to get a european phone number?

Looking to expand your business in Europe? Or did you move to an European city to live as an expat? Or maybe you are already based in Europe, and you are ready for the next step. No matter what the case is: you will need dedicated phone numbers in order to conduct business in European countries.

Fortunately, nowadays with Voice over IP technology, it is easier than ever to register a European phone number online. In most cases you don't even need to be present yet in the country of choice.

What type of European phone numbers can you buy?

Globally speaking there are 3 type of European phone numbers.

1. Local landline phone numbers

These are phone numbers that belong to a city / region. Prime examples are London 204 numbers, Paris 01 numbers, Amsterdam 020 numbers, Madrid 91 numbers.

These phone numbers can be called at landline rate. The costs of calling are low for both the caller / customer as the number holder/ business owner.

The disadvantage of a local landline phone number is that it ties your business to a certain area of the country.

There are rivalries and tensions in certain countries between certain regions. A prefix of a certain city can have a negative connotation for some.

2. National phone numbers

These phone numbers are not tied to a city or region. Therefore they can be considered national. Meaning the number is appealing to the whole country. An example of this would be German 032 phone numbers. This phone number will be relevant from Munich all the way to Hamburg and everything in between.

3. Toll free phone numbers

These started originally in the United States. US toll free phone numbers can be called completely without cost by potential clients.

Who pays for the calling charges then? The number holder pays 100% of the costs incurred.

Why would you want to buy a toll-free phone number? In certain competitive industries, a toll-free phone number might mean a foot in the door so to speak. If you want to encourage potential customers to call you and make the barrier as low as possible to contact you, then a toll-free phone number would be ideal. It can be an asset, in order to attract more customers than your competitors. Your organisation will also benefit from a boost in positive image. Toll free phone numbers have a good reputation everywhere and it will make your company look more customer friendly.

At Belfabriek we offer 0800 phone numbers for most European countries. Including German 0800 numbers, French 0800 numbers (also known as numéro vert locally), Netherlands 0800 phone numbers, UK 0808 phone numbers, Spain 900 phone numbers (beware in Spain the numbers differ), Swiss 0800 phone numbers. Check our international phone numbers page for an overview of all available European toll free phone numbers.

Conclusion how to get an European phone number

Registering an European phone number nowadays is a breeze. The question becomes: which European phone number suits my company best? Are you a strictly local operating company? Then opt for a landline phone number. Do you conduct business nationwide? Then a national phone number would work well. Are you in a hyper competitive line of business? Then a toll free phone number might be an unmissable asset.

Why get your European phone numbers at Belfabriek?

At Belfabriek you can easily register an European phone number for your company.
As a foreign company, it can be interesting to offer products or services to the European market as well.

The most important advantages of registering a phone number through Belfabriek include:

- All useful (optional) features like call recording, phone menu and caller queue are included for free.

- User-friendly app for Android and iOS.

- No new hardware or phones required.

- Optional: a local landline number on your mobile phone. You can answer incoming calls from any phone.

- Flat rate of 45 Euro/month.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us!

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