What is the telephone number in Finland?

Finland's country code is 00358. Or enter +358.

What are Finnish mobile phone numbers?

In Finland, mobile phone numbers usually start with 04 or 05.

For example, if you want to call a Finnish mobile phone number from abroad, the number to dial is as follows (fictitious example number) + 358 50 123 45 67

Local area codes overview Finland

013: Noord-Karelië (Pohjois-Karjala)

014: Centraal Finland (Keski-Suomi)

015: Mikkeli (Mikkeli)

016: Lapland (Lappi)

017: Kuopio

018: Åland

019: Uusimaa

02: Turku and Pori

03: Häme

05: Kymi

06: Vaasa

08: Oulu

09: Helsinki

Useful Finnish phone numbers

Phone numbers that are always handy:

General emergency number: as in the Netherlands, this is 112. The operators speak Finnish and Swedish.

For specific cases of poisoning, reach the information number of the poisoning centre (Myrkytystietokeskus): (09) 471 977.

As a foreigner, can I also get a Finnish number?

Yes, you can. At Belfabriek, you can broadly define 3 different types of
Finnish phone numbers, which we will briefly explain below.

Local numbers

Does your company have a strong connection to the Helsinki region? Then you can
easily apply for an 09 number through Belfabriek. In principle, Belfabriek can
register all possible local area codes.

National phone numbers

Do you want to offer your products and/or services throughout Finland? Then a
national 075 number is perfect for you. These numbers
are not linked to a specific city or region and therefore have a national image.
national image. Callers can call these numbers at local rates. So there is
there are no additional costs compared to local fixed numbers

0800 numbers

There are also 0800 numbers in Finland, which are free for callers. The operator pays all call charges. These numbers are perfect for charities, for example, but also for industries that are particularly competitive. It is important to note that Finnish 0800 numbers cannot be called from outside Finland.

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