International numbers
Romania's country code is 0040. Or enter +40.
Romanian mobile numbers generally start with a 7.
Phone numbers that are always handy:
General emergency number: 112
In addition, there are then the following more specific phone numbers,
(+4) 021 9551: Consumers' Association
(+4) 021 9590: Border police
(+40) 0800 800 358: National Covid-19 info line
Yes, you can. At Belfabriek, you can request a Romanian number, which we will briefly explain below.
Does your company have a strong connection to the Bucharest region? Or do you simply want to create a national image by capturing the capital's phone number? Then you can easily apply for a 316 number through Belfabriek. Basically, Belfabriek can register all possible local Romanian area codes.
Fill out the form below and your phone number will be available immediately.