Published in International numbers
The country code for Italy is 0039. Or enter +39.
Italian mobile phone numbers start with a 3.
Telephone numbers that are always useful:
Police (Carabineri): 112
General Emergency (Soccorso pubblico di emergenza): 113
Fire brigade (Vigili del fuoco): 115
Ambulance/Medical Emergencies (Emergenza sanitaria): 118
Yes you can. At Belfabriek you can get 2 different types of Italian phone numbers, which we will briefly explain below.
Does your company have a strong connection to the Rome region? Then you can order a 06 phone number through Belfabriek. We can register all possible area codes in Italy.
Just like many other countries, Italy also has toll-free phone numbers. The owner pays all call charges. These numbers are great for charities, but also for highly competitive industries. If you want to portray a welcoming image to your potential Italian customers, then an Italian 800 phone number would a great choice.
Advantages of registering an official phone number from Italy through Belfabriek include:
your organization can also be reached by phone in another country
features such as welcome text are possible
No new hardware or telephones required
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